Training Hours
Monday | 12:00 to 8:00pm | (Scheduled Lessons from 6pm) |
Tuesday | 12:00 to 8:00pm | (Scheduled Lessons from 6pm) |
Wednesday | 12:00 to 8:00pm | (Scheduled Lessons from 6pm) |
Thursday | 12:00 to 8:00pm | (Scheduled Lessons from 6pm) |
Friday | 12:00 to 8:00pm | (Scheduled Lessons from 6pm) |
Saturday | 1:00 to 4:00pm | (Scheduled Lessons from 2pm) |
Sunday | Closed |

Wing Chun
There is training in three styles of Wing Chun and Grandmaster Leong has studied Wing Chun under a number of highly respected Masters including Yip Chun to whom he is a family disciple of Ip Man, Sum Nung, Lei Chi Wah & Pan Nam. Grandmaster Leong is also a Permanent President of the Ip Man Wing Chun Association governing the Australasian region. Grandmaster Leong has demonstrated his exceptional ability in Martial Arts, winning several full contact tournaments inside and outside of China.

Muay Thai
Muay Thai Kick Boxing is the national sport of Thailand, and is practiced quite widely around the world. It is generally acknowledged that Muay Thai is the most brutal form of competition kick boxing in the world, featuring savage elbow strikes and devastating knee's.
Grandmaster Leong has trained under Grandmaster Yuttanna Wongbandue, who is the head instructor of the World Muay Thai association in Bangkok Thailand. Grandmaster Leong has attained a 9th Khan(Gold Mongkol) in Muay Thai.

Wu Shu
"Wu Shu" is the Chinese term for all Martial Arts, however it is more applied to those forms that are commonly known in the West as Shaolin forms. Grandmaster Leong’s Academy offers training in the following forms; Pray Mantis, Eagle Claw & Southern Fist, Long Fist as well as over 10 different styles of weapons. Grandmaster Leong received training in these styles under Chou Zou Sung & the Chin Wu Athletic Association-made famous in the West in the movies ‘Fist of Fury’ and ‘Fist of Legend’- as well as the Beijing and Shanghai Wu Shu teams, the Beijing University of Sport and the Shaolin Temple.

Tai Chi
Tai Chi is a traditional Chinese Martial Art that can instill a sense of inner peace and calm, clear and focus the mind. It is however a very effective Martial Art when correctly applied. Tai Chi improves flexibility, co-ordination, balance and muscle tone and ultimately can balance and improve the practitioners Chi, Jing and Shen whilst harmonizing their Yin and Yang energy and the 5 elements.
There are a number of Tai Chi forms taught at the Academy including Yangs 24 form, Yangs Combined 42 form, Yangs Sword form, Chens 83 Form and 71 Cannon Fist. The Yangs 24 form is the worlds most popular Tai Chi set practiced by millions of Chinese and the most widely known form in the West. The combined 42 form is competition form used at the Asian Wu Shu games and is becoming more well known in the West. Chen’s Tai Chi is the oldest form of Tai Chi and until recently was hardly known in the West & is categorized by it’s explosive power (fajing). Grandmaster Leong is 12th Generation disciple of Chens Tai Chi Master.
Chi Kung
Three styles of Chi Kung are practiced at the club namely Shaolin 8 section Silk Chi Kung, Wing Chun Chi Kung (which is hardly known in the West) and the Kuan Yin Standing Chi Kung taught by Master Li Jun Feng - instructor to Jet Li.